
Halloween Poems

Halloween wraps fear in innocence.

Halloween wraps fear in innocence,
As though it were a slightly sour sweet.
Let terror, then, be turned into a treat,
Lest it undermine our common sense.
Our nightmares are the founts of fancy whence
We wander through the fields of our conceit,
Eluding the true horror we must meet
Embodied in the play of our pretense,
Now ranged across the night in our defense.

Halloween's a sudden BOO!!

Halloween's a sudden BOO!!
And just as quick a scream:
Laughing in the scary dark,
Loving friendly fright.
On Halloween, witches come true;
Wild ghosts escape from dreams.
Each monster dances in the park,
Eating candy like a shark-
Now kiss and say goodnight!

Hobgoblins know the proper way to dance.

Hobgoblins know the proper way to dance:
Arms akimbo, loopy legs askew,
Leaping into darkness with delight,
Lusting for the ecstasy of fright,
Open to the charm of horrors new.
Well may you start your screaming in advance,
Even as you give a ghoul a chance,
Each creepy creature craving to say, "Boo!",
Near heaven in its netherworld of night.


It's Halloween! It's Halloween!
The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can't be seen
On any other night.

Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls,
Grinning goblins fighting duels,
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.

In masks and gowns
we haunt the street
And knock on doors
for trick or treat.

Tonight we are
the king and queen,
For oh tonight
it's Halloween!

~Jack Prelutsky~


A bald-headed ghost
Drank some witches' brew
And on top of his head
A strange thing grew.

It was pointed and tall
And black as a bat
With stringy long hair
Where his head was flat.

The sad little ghost
Didn't want any hair
Or a black pointed hat
So he said, "Witch beware!"
Then he chanted some words
With a spell-casting switch
And gave Halloween Night
A bald-headed witch!!

~Barbara M. Hales~


Bushes quiver
where shadows lean,
and not a sliver
of moon is seen.

Near the river
some goblins (red)
with a witch in front
and a ghost in between

Make me sh..i..vvvver,
but I am keen
about the shivers
of Halloween.

~Aileen Fisher~


The witches fly
Across the sky,
The owls go, "Who? Who? Who?"
The black cats yowl
And red ghosts howl,
"Scary Halloween to you!"

~Nina Willis Walter~

Witch, Witch

Witch witch, where do you fly?
Under the clouds and over the sky.

Witch, witch, what do you eat?
Little black apples from Hurricane Street.

Witch, witch, what do you drink?
Vinegar and good red ink.

Witch, witch, where do you sleep?
Up in the clouds where the pillows are cheap.


We bought a fat orange pumpkin
The plumpest sort they sell.
We neatly scooped the inside out
And only left the shell.
We carved a funny funny-face
Of silly shape and size,
A pointy nose, a jagged mouth
And two enormous eyes.
We set it in a window
And we put a candle in,
Then lit it up for all to see
Our jack-o-lantern grin.


Charlene Ashborn

All Hallows Eve is almost here,
The spookiest night of the year.
You may see a ghost, witch or ghoul
For this is the time these beings rule
Front porch stoops are their favorite haunt,
Here they gather to giggle and taunt.
Ringing doorbells, shouting "Trick or Treat,"
Only to be appeased by something sweet.
Greedily they grab handfuls of candy,
Stuffing it in sacks they always keep handy.
The creatures then, vanish as quickly as they came,
To torment others with their silly game.
Midnight comes, the "witching hour,"
The sweets are sorted, ready to devour.
In a short time, the candy has vanished,
Into stomachs totally famished.
Soon the creatures begin to moan,
All that sugar making them groan.
Slowly they crawl into their beds,
Pulling the blankets over their heads.

Three Little Witches

One little, two little, three little witches,
Fly over haystacks, fly over ditches,
Slide down moonbeams without any hitches,
Hey ho Halloween's here!

Horned owl's hooting, it's time to go riding,
Deep in the shadows are black cats hiding,
With gay little goblins, sliding, gliding,
Hey ho Halloween's here!


Written by Dolores Faye Thorn
Halloween arrives with a haunting yellow moon
Black silhouettes fly across the sky astride their magic broom
Heeing and screeching in an eerie raspy pitch
Yet comical in character, the grinning green faced witch
Potions from big black pots are slowly brewing
Thick jolly bubbles are rising and spewing
Skeletons are marching from the graveyard grounds
Loose-jointed bones are making click clack sounds
Ghosts are among us from their R.I.P.s
Whaling ghastly noises that chill and tease
Their frowsy figures make us shudder
With a whisk of sheet white misty flutter
Singing it's our time to twist and shout
As they merrily flounce and dance about
Vampires awaken from long slumbering sleep
Swirling their capes in a tango leap
Teeth long and sharp, all ready to bite
They slither about in the dark of the night
Bats flap their wings and hang oddly upside down
On limbs of gnarly trees, they make a spooky little clown
The creepy werewolf howls
Eyes glow from angry owls
Sleek black cats prowl
Their green eyes scowl
Creepy Spiders pitter-patter
Making kids teeth chatter
All things this night
Intend to freight
Even Martians invade
This night of ghoulish masquerade
Children love to "Trick or Treat"
For candy or other goodies to eat
They love parties for hobnobbin
With other goblins for apple bobbin
This night of fun and play
Blithely vanishes with the light of day
Facing those fears and acting ghoulish
May seem silly or just plain foolish
But tonight will mock in childish delight
All things that go bump in the night
And until this time again next year
Ghost & Goblins will disappear!

Stand on your head with a lopsided wiggle,
Tickle your little black cats till they giggle,
Swish through clouds with a higgedy, piggle,
Hey ho Halloween's here!

What Witches Do

The witches don their pointed hats,
The witches croak and croon,
The witches ride their broomsticks,
Away beyond the moon.

The witches don their flowing cloaks,
The witches stir their brew.
The witches chant their magic spells,
All the dark hours through.

The witches stroke their big black cats,
They comb their locks of gray,
Yet when the first faint daylight comes.
The witches hide away.

Luck for Hallowe'en

It was a wise old woman
Who gave this charm to me.
It works best on Hallowe'en --
Or so said she!
"Find a four-leaf clover,
Wear it in your shoe,
Right foot, left foot,
Either one will do.
It will lead you into luck
Before the day is through."
So find a four-leaf clover,
And put it to the test.
It might work any time--
But Hallowe'en is best.

May Justus

Thank you for the gift Inge
